Code of Conduct

The Illusion Horror & Con is meant to be a fun environment where we can all gather together to play tabletop roleplaying games free from any form of harassment. This applies to all participants of The Illusion Horror & Con regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, physical appearance, disability, or other identifying factors. Harassment, whether from The Illusion Horror & Con organizers, GMs, or players, will not be tolerated.

We will not tolerate any form of hate speech or bigotry in The Illusion Horror & Con ; this includes so-called "in-character" bigotry. Use of intolerant attitudes of the game-era as a means to "explain away" your language or behavior will not be accepted.

It is expected that if someone introduces themselves in the game with particular pronouns, they are to be used. It is not open for discussion. Intentionally misgendering someone for the purpose of making the other person uncomfortable will not be tolerated.

There are to be no harassment or threats directed to participants, organizers, GMs, or sponsors of The Illusion Horror & Con. Please respect other people's privacy and do not DM others without permission.

Be polite and respectful to each other.

The Illusion Horror & Con may contain explicit content and is for mature participants 18 years or older only.
Scenario listings will contain content warnings so people can make informed decisions about which sessions they wish to participate in. Content warnings, however, are not an excuse to include unnecessarily graphic imagery. If someone uses a Safety Tool during a session, it is to be respected, and the uncomfortable behavior must immediately stop.

This list is not exhaustive, and if something unforeseen comes up during The Illusion Horror & Con, the Moderators have full discretion to deal with the issue presented.

Zero - tolerance

We have a ZERO-tolerance policy with breaking the Code of Conduct. 

Failure to follow the Code of Conduct will result in removal from The Illusion Horror Con and the convention server. 

Any player or GM may contact the Moderators at any time to report and deal with a situation that may arise.


1. No Harassment

The Illusion Horror Con Discord server believes everyone here should experience a server space free of harassment. This applies to ALL server members, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, physical appearance, disability, or other identifying factors. 

Harassment, whether from server members or administrators, will not be tolerated.  

2. ZERO tolerance policy

We have a ZERO tolerance policy for breaking the code of conduct/rules, and that listed in 1. will be removed from the server. Contact @Convention-mods or @Con-organizers immediately if you experience any such problems. 

3. Mature content

The Illusion Horror Con is only suitable for people 18 years of age and over, as horror can sometimes lead to mature themes. Scenario listings will contain content warnings so people can make informed decisions about which sessions they wish to participate in. Content warnings, however, are not an excuse to include unnecessarily graphic imagery. 

4. Safety Tools

The use of Safety Tools and/or Lines & Veils is REQUIRED and has to be discussed/and or used before a game on this server. This ensures prospective GMs/Players are aware of any trigger content in any scenario. If someone uses/triggers a Safety Tool during a session, it is to be respected, and the uncomfortable behavior must immediately stop. If you see a violation of that policy by either other players or the GMs, please contact the @Convention-mods team immediately. 

It all goes back and builds on rules 1. through 3. above.
The Illusion Horror Con aims to create a fun and enjoyable experience for all participants.

5. Social scope

Political or religious discussions on this server are only to be held within the scope of a scenario or role-playing discussion. This server is not a platform for any current political or religious discussion. We ask you to be mindful of this and report inappropriate content immediately to the @Convention-mods team or @Con-organizers directly. The only exception to this rule is a narrative discussion within an outlined scenario or role-playing adventure. 

6. Server etiquette

Gaming is an inclusive hobby, and we are open to all who uphold a culture of respect towards their fellow server members. We ask everyone to be mutually accountable for maintaining a healthy and enjoyable gaming space for all.

7. Have Fun

We made this space so everyone can come together and have a good time playing role-playing games and exploring the horror universe at Illusion Horror Con. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

8. We are here to help 

If you feel like being treated unfairly or have any concerns about/on this server, please let us know. 

You can contact either @Convention-mods or @Con-organizers directly or use the #tickets system (support channel on Discord) to submit your concerns anonymously.